Past Walls that Talk
Festive Preschool Pieces
Maitland City Council invited local community preschools to create artworks that capture the many ways families celebrate the festive season.
It’s a time for connection — sharing meals, telling stories, exchanging gifts, decorating homes, and enjoying quality time with loved ones.
Two preschools answered the call, bringing us a delightful mix of artworks and craft creations made by the little ones. These festive pieces were transformed into a beautiful mosaic of collaborative frames, now on display for all to see.
I Am...
The I AM... exhibition by Mai-Wel highlighted the talents of artists who have become their own muses, drawing inspiration from personal journeys.
In a twist on traditional muse-inspired art, the artists crafted intricate headpieces from paper, paint, and other materials as expressions of self-exploration and creativity. Each portrait captured the transformation of creator into creation, highlighting the power of self-expression and the multifaceted nature of inspiration.
Australian Museum of Clothing and Textiles
The Australian Museum of Clothing and Textiles is Australia's only dedicated clothing museum, showcasing and interpreting articles in their historical context. The Museum was the brainchild of Nell Pyle, who contributed her extensive personal collection to create the initial display of dresses, hats, shoes and ties spanning from 1860 to present day.
Driven by a dedicated team of volunteers, the museum preserves and shares the rich history of Australian clothing. Open to the public, visitors are invited to explore the collection, exhibits and local social history, providing an engaging and immersive experience for all.
Creatures of Camouflage and mimicry
Sami Bayly is a 27 year old author and illustrator who is based in East Maitland. She loves all things weird and wonderful and enjoys painting realistic flora and fauna. After studying a bachelor of Natural History Illustration at the University of Newcastle, she has gone on to publish five books, all with Lothian/Hachette Australia.
The illustrations featured are from her latest book, ‘How We Came To Be: Creatures of Camouflage and Mimicry’, for the purpose of creating a children’ s book that celebrates the interesting reasons behind an animals evolutionary adaptation.
Festive Frames
In Australia, Christmas and the festive season holds a special place in the hearts of the community. It signifies different things for different people and is a period that embraces various cultural and religious festivities and reconnects us with traditions. Whether you are sharing meals, stories and experiences, in Australia it's a season that brings people closer together.
Maitland City Council invited residents to submit a photograph that shows how they celebrate during the festive season. The nine (9) images displayed are our competition winners and share a glimpse into some of Maitland's cherished family memories.
Celebrating 100 years of Vegemite
Vegemite is more than a spread; it embodies the essence of Australia, loved by generations, and continues to be a cherished part of Australian culture.
The next edition of ‘Walls that Talk’ is dedicated to celebrating an Australian Icon - Vegemite. This collection showcases some of Vegemites iconic advertising and packaging through the decades. This exhibition was made possible with thanks to Bega Cheese Limited.